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Moving can be a stressful experience, and the process can feel even more overwhelming if you decide to move during the winter. Ice, snow and freezing temperatures can make moving very challenging. While the weather may not provide you with ideal moving conditions, the reality is that winter is actually a good time to move.

The winter season is less busy than the warmer months, so you will not have any trouble finding and booking movers and will be able to find cheaper rates. However, there are a few things you must consider before you book your move in the winter, and the following guide will help you prepare:

Make Sure You are Flexible

Winter weather can be hard to predict, so you have to be prepared and must monitor the weather in the days leading up to your move. If a snowstorm hits, you may have to reschedule and must be flexible in this regard because there is always the possibility of bad weather.

Make Sure You are Prepared

The day of your actual move will be a very busy one, so you have to make sure everything is ready in advance. All of your items should be packed and ready to go prior to the movers showing up as this will prevent stress, and you will not have to run around at the very last minute trying to get organized. Packing early on will save you a lot of time and headaches, and your move will be a lot more enjoyable as a result.

Make Sure Your Home is Ready

Have a snow shovel and salt ready because if it snows on moving day, you will have to get your home ready so that everyone can do their job safely and get in and out of your home without any accidents or injuries. There should be a clear, wide path from your home to the truck, and you can place plastic covers down on the floors inside your house to keep it clean.

Make Sure Your Items are Packed Correctly

It is important that you pack your items differently if you are moving in the winter because they may require additional protection in the event of heavy snow or rain. Your boxes should be able to withstand a little bit of rain so that your contents are not damaged, and furniture should be shrink-wrapped in plastic.

Plan for Delays

You can never tell whether or not the weather is going to cooperate, so it’s a must that you give yourself extra time. Snow, ice and heavy rain can all affect the amount of time it takes to load a truck and moving in the winter can be tricky, so you have to plan smartly.

If you are looking for reputable moving companies, Purely Canadian Movers can help! We serve clients in the lower mainland, BC and across Canada for long distance movingLocal moving in Vancouver, Surrey, Langley, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, Richmond and New Westminster areas, so if you need  movers who are experienced and friendly, contact us today!